Emotional and mental causes of illness - full listI remember the first time I read this list. Some of them were easy for me to read, they felt connected to my childhood trauma that was...
Free Cord Cutting SessionI will never forget the first time I had a distance energy healing session. It sounded like a wild concept to me, but the session was...
Has science proven that psychics are real?A study conducted at the University of California in Los Angeles by Dr. Valerie Hunt, a Kinesiologist, explored the measurement of human...
How does energy healing work from a distance?Energy healing at a distance, also known as remote or distant healing, is based on the idea that it is possible to channel healing energy...
Anger is a healthy response to painIt bothers me when people tell you to forgive someone when they don’t even understand what they are asking you to do. What even is...
Are you manifesting relationship issues by preparing for the worst?When you experience childhood trauma or have frequent experiences of being let down or disappointed by adults, unhealthy coping...